
Michael Ross

Nickname: The Roadside Strangler

Reign of terror: April 1981 - 28 June 1984

Motive: Sex


Date Crime Victim Age Location
12/05/81 Murder Dzung Ngoc Tu 25 Cornell University
25/08/81 Attempted murder - - Rolesville, N. Carolina
28/09/81 Unlawful restraint - 16 LaSalle City, Illinois
04/01/82 Murder Tammy Lee Williams 17 Brooklyn, New York
25/04/82 Assault Susan Aldrich - Johnstown, Ohio
01/05/04 Murder Paula Perrera 16 Ithaca, New York
15/06/82 Murder Debra Taylor 23 Danielson, Connecticut
16/11/83 Murder Robin Dawn Stavinsky 19 Norwich, Connecticut
22/04/84 Murder Leslie Shelly 14 Griswold, Connecticut
22/04/84 Murder April Brunais 14 Griswold, Connecticut
15/06/84 Murder Wendy Baribeault 17 Norwich, Connecticut

Method: Strangulation either manually or with his belt

Sentence: For the murders of Williams & Taylor, Ross received two consecutive life sentences. For the murders of Stavinsky, Shelly, Brunais and Baribeault, Ross was given a sentence of death.

Interesting facts: Ross was never charged with the murders of Dzung Ngoc Tu and Paula Perrera, although he was the prime suspect for Perrera's murder. He only confessed to these murders whilst being interviewed on Death Row.

April and Leslie were friends and were both picked up by Ross at the same time. He raped and killed April first, before he killed Leslie and then anally raped her. All the victims were raped, either before or after death.

When Baribeault was picked up, Ross was witnessed by several people, who were able to give a description of his car. Subsequently, the police made routine enquiries of local owners of blue foreign cars, including Ross. He showed a lot of interest in the questioning, and as the police officer was about to leave, asked him a question. Having spoken a bit more, the police officer turned to leave again, but instead asked Ross what he had done on the day of Baribeault's murder, a fortnight before. Ross replied with a detailed description of all his actions that day, complete with timings. However, he was unable to give the slightest indication of what he had been doing on the surrounding days. This alerted the police officer, and Ross was arrested. Once at the police station, he rapidly confessed to 6 murders.

Since his incarceration on Death Row, Ross's psychiatric state has been widely discussed and ruled upon. For a while, it was decided that he was not psychiatrically fit to receive the death sentence. However, this decision was overruled. He stated that he wanted to die, and his wish was granted, as on 13th May 2005 Ross was executed by lethal injection, the first man to be executed in Connecticut since 1960.
